Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Save 20% on BOB Strollers!

REI is having a great sale right now until April 18th!
Save 20% on one item (excluding sale and clearance items) - visit http://www.rei.com/promotions/member-rewards-coupon.html to see more details.

Use Coupon Code Member20 to save - if you are not already a member, you can joing for $20.

This would be a great time to get that BOB stroller you've been dying to get, or any other great get-out-there with your kids product that REI carries.

That being said, this sale is best if you are a)already a member (or really want to be and $20 will be well-spent for the perks), and b)live near an REI to pickup your item for free(shipping over $75 is free on some items, but there are exclusions - check to see if your item is one of them).

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