Saturday, August 21, 2010

Homeschooling Wishes

I currently homeschool my oldest using Horizons pre-school curriculum, which Alissa and I both love. Yes, it is difficult right now for me to be consistent with a baby/toddler that loves to explore the house all day long, (and keeps me very, very busy) but I really want to continue homeschooling versus sending the girls to public school. My hurdle in convincing my husband is the myth or stigma of the unsocialized homeschooled child that grows into an adult with little social skills. So, I am trying to drum up as many examples of well-socialized adults who were homeschooled, as well as show him how many ways there are of socializing children besides the traditional classroom setting. I am reading a wonderful book about homeschooling right now, but although I am excited about it and the prospect of homeschooling, I don't exactly get the interest I'd love from my DH. I almost feel like I need to be a good salesman... If only I could get my husband to see the potential, the beauty, the everything I see in homeschooling...


  1. I was homeschool :) Am I well socialized? There's a book called "the Well Adjusted Child" and it addresses this issue head on. I highly recommend. It's really not about whether or not the kids are socialized...but in what ways. Do you want them exposed to things that are completely out of your hands at a very young that "good socialization?" I think the definitions of "well rounded" and "socialized" need to be re-adressed.

  2. Anne - in my arguments for homeschooling, you were my main example! I tried to explain how socialized, and just wonderful in general you are and that should speak to of course who you are as a person, but also that homeschooling is so much more than the myths. I think that some people just have to see things first-hand rather than imagine the possibilities and trust that everything will more than alright...

  3. I"m flattered. And I agree. Once you get into homeschooling, and get around other homeschoolers, he'll see it. He'll agree. They are generally more respectful kids with amazing parental bonds...which is important when it comes to decision making as adults.
